Monday, February 12, 2024

daily bread 🍞

Did you feed your physical body today? Same goes with your Spirit.

Every morning, you need to go to God for your daily bread, your daily wisdom, daily direction.
Too many times we're trying to do things only in our own strength, our own intellect, our own
Right there, That's going to limit us. God can see things that you can't see. He knows the right
people who should be in your line. He knows where the danger is, where the dead ends are.
God knows how to catapult you into your destiny. You have an advantage, when you start your day, focused on the Lord and The Word.. Are you taking time for your daily bread? Sometimes we rush out of the house. I'm in a hurry. I don't have time today,
I've got to get to work. I live by this principle. Never a good idea to meet with other people, or start your day before you
meet with God. A relationship takes communication with the Lord. If you'll take time to acknowledge God. Not only will your day go better, but God will keep you from making mistakes.

Matthew 18 verse 35, so my heavenly father also do to you,If each of you from his heart, will do to you from His heart,does not forgive his brothers from his trespasses. 

Lets say this Simple short prayer, 
God, I need you today. Lead me. Guide me. Keep me on the right path. In Jesus Mighty Name Amen 🙏 
Remember #jesuslovesyou 
Bunny Ramey 

#shortprayer #short #mindpower #christianinspiration #victory #Bibleverse #shorts #shortvideo #shortprayer #short #mindpower #christianinspiration #christianmotivation #self-control #selflove #Jesus #HolySpirit 

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