Wednesday, July 24, 2024

prayer for beloved Ronda 🙏

Father God,
Your promise that all things are possible for those who have faith this gives us hope. We trust in your  Name to heal any illness. Your name Jesus is so powerful even the demons have to flee.  Thank you for your willingness and power to bring salvation and healing to Ronda. 
I humbly come before you to lift up  in prayer my sister Ronda. May your healing touch be upon her. Just as the woman who touched the hem of Jesus garment was healed, my faith is that we arecreaching out touching your hem of your garment.  Our faith Is in your healing power to restore her health. With unwavering faith in your Word, Ronda is already healed through your You Jesus. Your Word says ask the Father in Jesus name and it shall be done according to your will. 
You have declared that nothing is too great for your power. We are grateful that you are willing and able to bring salvation and healing to family members. Today I seek complete and total healing for my beloved sisters. A healing that will bring Glory to your Name Jesus. Let your healing power flow through Rondas body, bringing restoration and strength. Cancer, and all diseases leave in the name of Jesus. May her testimony of healing bring Glory and Honor to your Mighty Name Jesus. 

I have been praying earnestly Ronda Ramey Larson  and Glenda Ramey Martin for you both and your family members. Be of good cheer , faith has made you well. Peace be with you both. 🙏 

This was inspired from the Holy Spirit, 

 *rembering Rondas inspired  20 /20 vision*

20 before 
 Luke 8:43 
20 verses after.
8:23- 9:7

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